Wednesday, December 30, 2009

BassMaster magazines...

BassMaster Magazines 2 go...

I've got over twenty five years worth of BassMaster magazines ready to go. Imagine all the past tournament data contained in those old treasure tombs. If You fish Bass tournaments, these mags can prove invaluable to you.
BassMaster Mags...
Go have a look at my little ad over on Kijiji. Go BassMaster... Maybe You will be the one to score this awesome collection. Thanx for reading this. lb

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Critical mass...

Many Years Fishing...

As the world turns...

Well, although quite a very rude shock, it certainly looks like I won't be blogging anymore. Thank You so much fair reader, for finding your way here and sharing mostly the good things I love in life, over these last few years. For those of You who have been kind enough to leave a comment in here once in a while, I want You to know that you've made many of my days better, with your caring. :-)

A few depressing details of just why this is all so, can be found here Sadness rules... on my other blog.

Once again, Thank You for following a small piece of my little life. It's been a great ride. I really feel close to all of you. Perhaps our paths will cross again one day...

Here's wishing each and every one of you, a very Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

She Is So Fly...

As you may have noticed on my blogs before, I've been supporting Women Outdoors for a long time now. It's great to see Women out there who Love spending quality time outside. It's even better to find a few girls who Love to write about it too. They write so that they can share their deep feelings about the Outdoors with others. The Internet has totally expanded any and all previous methods for good writers to do just that. So many ways now that a writer can write. Blogs are one of the very best ways, in my opinion anyway. :-)

You see, as a Blogger myself, I too have already made a number of new Outdoor loving friends by sharing what I feel and see out there in the woods and around bodies of water, large or small. Friends who I enjoy reading about too, with their adventures and share their pictures with them.

Well my dear readers, Sherri Russell is one of those remarkable Outdoorsy Women, that just Loves spreading the good word about how fishing can and will change your life if you let it.

Sherri Russell

This little lady is a Fly Fisher and from what I've seen, a fine one at that! It took only about five minutes on her blog to get hooked on her writing style and wonderful outlook on this awesome Sport/Art/Science of Fishing.

Here's the link to go and see for yourself just how long it'll take You, to take a shine to this lovely little lady, that wields a sweetly mean Fly Fishin' Stick. :-)

"She's So Fly" Fly Fishing for Women Blog

I will be adding her great blog to my other blog rolls as well as this one so that I can try and keep up with this Cool Fishin' Chic! ;-)

Oh ya, Sherri just informed me that I have won one of her sweet contests over there, so I'm headin' over now to check it out and give her my addy and stuff. Now how's that for a good way to start a fishin' friendship, I ask ya? :-)

Have a good one y'all!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Bass Gear Contest...

Well I haven't posted in here for a bit but then as y'all know, life is pretty busy these days, and so tonight is the time for me to pass this onto you quick, while I've got a few spare moments.

My blogging friend Wolfy over at Flowing Waters, is running the second part of his awesome Fishing Tackle Give Away Contest. You won't believe this maybe but it's all true. Wolfy has put together a terrific pile of deadly Bass fishing terminal tackle that he is going to give away in the next few days. Here's just a little glimpse of what You could be winning if You enter Wolfy's Cool Contest.
A portion of the goodies...

This is the easiest contest, to get the coolest stuff, that I have ever entered! :-) All you've gotta do is tour over to Wolfy's fine blog and leave a comment in there telling him a little about Your Bass fishing. That's it! Too easy, eh?

Just click this link and you'll be on your way to a chance at a very impressive whack of deadly Bassin' gear. Go get 'em. Bass Tackle Give Away...

O.K. That's pretty well what I wanted to share with You to-day. So, mission accomplished. Nite all. :-)