Saturday, June 06, 2009

Marcia Rubin - Women's Bassmaster Tour Pro...

Now This, is a real Fine Female Fishin' Blog!

Rubin Rules...

They don't call her, the ReelLady fer nuthin'... :-)

This is like, one of my favorite types of blogs. Up-close and personal with someone who's making it out there and not afraid to share their lives with all who are interested in listening, watching and learning too...

Marcia is one of my Favorite Female Fishing Hero's. I'll bet after You checkout this hyper-link from a page on her blog, You will think she's pretty Awesome too! :-)

Marcia Rubin|Women Fishing|Womens Bassmaster Tour|bass fishing ohio

Here's a pic of this talented and lovely woman and her darling daughter Hanna, sharing some powerful bonding times...

My hat's off to You, Marcia! You ROCK! :-)


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