Looking towards the stern of Bob's old "Tin Goose" way back in the day, you can see the Fat Rap in Bob's hand. This was a year or three before Rapala, brought out their amazingly deadly Shad Rap. :-) We put a ton of nautical miles on that cool fishing platform of his. I loved that canoe! As a matter of fact, I ended up buying a Sportspal of my own, just after Bob headed out west to Courtenay B.C. to become the full time Outdoor Writer and retire there to boot.
A few decades ago, Robert H. Jones was as close to an older brother to me, as a man can get. He nick named me Larry Rideau-romper back then and we fished many places many times, for many fish. As I recall, we NEVER got skunked either. :-) Being a Master Jig Tier he got a kick out of caochin' me in the fur and feather dressin' biz and we tied many jigs together in his basement workshop and laughed over his wonderful home made wine and Sangria so many times. Even without the help of the the wine, this man was a great conversationalist. Just say anything to do with fishing and before you knew it a 60 or 80 mile drive would be done before the conversation had ended. ;-)
Bob was the kind of guy that never asked anything for what he gave out either. He wouldn't even let me chip in for gas after the first and only time I had offered. "I'm going out there anyway buddy, and yer not bad company either" he'd say. Then he'd just smile, and I knew that, that was that.
Thank You Bob Jones, for your kind generosity and for taking such good care of this young budding writer back then, so long ago now, it seems. :-)
Some sad news...
Our mutual friend, Grant Hopkins had fished with Big Bob Jones many times over the years too and he had kept up a communication line with him. It was through a chance meeting with Grant along the Rideau Canal the other day, that I learned of the passing of my good old fishing/writing friend. Grant filled me in on a few of the details of when and where and we both stood a moment in silence to remember our fine friend. Because my head was turned slightly towards the water, I don't think that Grant saw the tear roll down my cheek. But I felt it rolling. I hadn't felt that sad or lost or hurt or whatever it is called, for a long time. :-(
After we talked a little more about the lack of bites we were both getting, we parted and went our own ways again, left in our own thoughts. However, just after he left and while riding home on the bus, I was in a kind of fog. Flashes of pictures and mini movies skipped across my mind, of some of my times together with this scholarly man. Memories jarred awake by the reality of my close friend's passing.
There are just so many things I could tell you about how good a man Bob Jones was but his track record speaks for itself. So, to get you into a little bit of Robert H. Jones, one of Canada's finest Fishing Writers, here's a link to a post on my other blog, to do with this amazing and well respected Outdoorsman. There's some Bob related links there to explore for a few minutes too.
We will remember you...
My thoughts go out to Vera, Karen and Bobby Jr. Bob's immediate family. My heart is heavy for you my friends. I totally feel your loss and will miss your husband and dad, SO much. I thank God, that I was fortunate enough to have ever met Bob in the first place. I've been very enriched by his teachings while taking me under his wing, so many years ago now.
Thank You Robert H. Jones! Thank You! You have helped and encouraged an awful pile of people out there in your time my friend. Your wisdom still lives on through your many books and hundreds of magazine articles. You made it Mr. Jones! You did exactly what you wanted to do, and in fine style I might add. I'm so glad I shared even a little part of that amazing life with you...
Love Always,
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