Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another Blog by Bourgeois...

OOOhhhh Momma!

Oh Wowzer, Momma's goin' banana's over here, what with all the squakin' and wing droppin' and carryin' on and everything! Two shots later, I backed off and let the poor little critter calm her wee self down and get back to her normal life again. :-)

* While scannin' my HD yesterday, I rediscovered a blog I had begun In June over @ Tripod dot com. Jeepers, I think I may be getting in a little deep with all these Blogs, Lenses, Hubpages and Websites, perhaps. :-)

You can click the Title above or the highlighted link below, to go to another Blog that I had forgotten about, kind of. I had started it @ Tripod, while working on one of my webpages over there, when I saw their mention of a NEW Blog building opportunity. Of course I couldn't resist.

Anyway, I spruced it up a tad, from the last entry in the summer and figured I'd link it up over here too. I still need to learn how to line up the photo's a little better though. ;-) So, here's a little update for Y'all!

Another Blog by Bourgeois...

Have yourself a Super Day!


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