Sunday, November 01, 2009

Fly Fishing Attire: By The Outdooress...

More beauty in the Outdoors...

Looks like this is kind of a part of a series on Outdoor Ladies that I've been digging out of the web. All together on my four different blogs, a nice number of Outdoor gals have already graced my posts. You see, I've always had a very high regard for Women who really enjoy doing Outdoorsy things. This then, seems to be a good platform to extend that Respect for those girls out there who touch fish and smell campfire smoke and such.

Best Friends...

Is it just me, or is there something Very attractive about a woman sportin' a fishin' rod and hangin' around in her Comfy's with a beautiful dog? :-)

I just recently discovered Rebecca or as shes known on Twitter as @Outdooress, by following a few of my friends on Twitter. I can't say enough about Twitter by the way, it's Awesome!

This lovely young woman loves to Fly Fish and is really no stranger to a gun either. OoooRa! Shoot 'em up! :-) This lady's skills on a key board or a notepad and pen I'm sure, are right up there as well, as you'll see for yourself. This girl knows how to get all of us Outdoorsy types, feeling just exactly what it is she's writing about, and liking it. :-)

Rebecca is also pretty good at tossin' some fine fishin' humor, in her posts to boot. :-) Just ask her about the treble hook in the baby's forehead story. LOL!

Anywho, go give her excellent outdoor page a look see. You'll love it, I'm sure.

Runways On The River By The Outdooress...

Oh ya, and don't forget to check her out on Twitter too!@Outdooress Which of course, she most certainly is... :-)

Tell her I sent ya and if you have a blog or website, You just may possibly earn a blurb in here too. ;-) After all, I have been known for wanting to spread the many facets of the Outdoor World to others, All of my life. ;-)

Sharing is good. This Internet thingy has suddenly, with all of it's marvelous apps, enabled all of us like-mined, true blooded folks who Dig the Woods & Waters, to Unite! Man, my dreams are all coming true... :-)

Pass it on.




Rebecca said...

Thank you for featuring my site here on your blog! I love that you used my non-magaizine worthy picture and still called it decent. (smile)
I'm putting your link on my blogroll page and will be back to read your fun words~

LarryB said...

Thank you back Reb, the pleasure's all mine. Real glad you're good with being "Covered" at least over here on my, Outdoorsy, non-magazine, blog.:-)

I'm glad we met and look forward to more correspondence in the future. Also, I'll work on more of that hookin' up type stuff too.

Just Keep on showin' an' tellin' us all what you Love doing pretty Lady!

You're like, the Rockin' Reb with a Rod! :-)
