Saturday, December 15, 2007

Chuckle time...

Saturday's Laugh start-up... A cup of coffee, computer on, and a mood enhancing pic to kick yer day off right! So without further delay, another trailer park boys type innovation for you...

Humor, at nobody's expense, turns my crank! Looking at a funny picture really sets my day off in the right direction. Normally, I spend most of my waking life in a pretty serious type of, mode. SO, I find it helps me to start MY day off, with a laugh to set-up the balance with a more, yin and yang flavor to it. I'm also a Libra and that sort of somehow really helps me to stay level and not go shooting too far off into left field somewhere, too often. ;-) Life seems to be pretty darned serious everywhere these days. We need more laughing and more LOVE, going on out there. The Beatles, if anyone reading this remembers them, were SO right. LOVE Is ALL you need. Peace over war any day, has been one of my standard mini-motto's for over 4 decades now and it even feels more usable to-day!

So I hope this pic gets at least a wee smile out of you to-day and helps you to keep YOUR yin & yang in harmony, like it did for me! :-)

You know fair reader, I got this funny picture from my favorite on-line Treasure Newsletter and thought I'd share it with you in here. The website is really awesome if you have any kind of a little flair or love for Treasure Hunting, or as folks in the biz call it, TH'ing! Check them out if you dig adventure and could handle a totally free and very Cool, Treasure Newsletter about it too. Here's the URL folks. Enjoy! Lost Treasure USA

Have a super day y'all!


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