I've got over twenty five years worth of BassMaster magazines ready to go. Imagine all the past tournament data contained in those old treasure tombs. If You fish Bass tournaments, these mags can prove invaluable to you.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
BassMaster magazines...
I've got over twenty five years worth of BassMaster magazines ready to go. Imagine all the past tournament data contained in those old treasure tombs. If You fish Bass tournaments, these mags can prove invaluable to you.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Critical mass...
As the world turns...
Well, although quite a very rude shock, it certainly looks like I won't be blogging anymore. Thank You so much fair reader, for finding your way here and sharing mostly the good things I love in life, over these last few years. For those of You who have been kind enough to leave a comment in here once in a while, I want You to know that you've made many of my days better, with your caring. :-)
A few depressing details of just why this is all so, can be found here Sadness rules... on my other blog.
Once again, Thank You for following a small piece of my little life. It's been a great ride. I really feel close to all of you. Perhaps our paths will cross again one day...
Here's wishing each and every one of you, a very Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
She Is So Fly...
You see, as a Blogger myself, I too have already made a number of new Outdoor loving friends by sharing what I feel and see out there in the woods and around bodies of water, large or small. Friends who I enjoy reading about too, with their adventures and share their pictures with them.
Well my dear readers, Sherri Russell is one of those remarkable Outdoorsy Women, that just Loves spreading the good word about how fishing can and will change your life if you let it.
This little lady is a Fly Fisher and from what I've seen, a fine one at that! It took only about five minutes on her blog to get hooked on her writing style and wonderful outlook on this awesome Sport/Art/Science of Fishing.
Here's the link to go and see for yourself just how long it'll take You, to take a shine to this lovely little lady, that wields a sweetly mean Fly Fishin' Stick. :-)
"She's So Fly" Fly Fishing for Women Blog
I will be adding her great blog to my other blog rolls as well as this one so that I can try and keep up with this Cool Fishin' Chic! ;-)
Oh ya, Sherri just informed me that I have won one of her sweet contests over there, so I'm headin' over now to check it out and give her my addy and stuff. Now how's that for a good way to start a fishin' friendship, I ask ya? :-)
Have a good one y'all!
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Bass Gear Contest...
My blogging friend Wolfy over at Flowing Waters, is running the second part of his awesome Fishing Tackle Give Away Contest. You won't believe this maybe but it's all true. Wolfy has put together a terrific pile of deadly Bass fishing terminal tackle that he is going to give away in the next few days. Here's just a little glimpse of what You could be winning if You enter Wolfy's Cool Contest.
This is the easiest contest, to get the coolest stuff, that I have ever entered! :-) All you've gotta do is tour over to Wolfy's fine blog and leave a comment in there telling him a little about Your Bass fishing. That's it! Too easy, eh?
Just click this link and you'll be on your way to a chance at a very impressive whack of deadly Bassin' gear. Go get 'em. Bass Tackle Give Away...
O.K. That's pretty well what I wanted to share with You to-day. So, mission accomplished. Nite all. :-)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Another Cool Fishing Gal...
I just discovered this interesting young lady this morning while going through some tweets from friends on Twitter. They were speaking rather highly of her, so I did a little touring and lo and behold, I came up with this great picture for starters. How Cute is this Outdoorsy Woman's hat, I ask you? I just Love it! :-) You see boys, women always bring a little light and freshness to the outdoors with their uncanny sense of style and fashion. :-)
Go check her out on Twitter at CaroHoule and send her a Tweet while your at it. :-)
Oh ya, some of her friends call her C-Bass and now I can see why. ;-)
Houle is Cool!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
One of my very best friends...
Looking towards the stern of Bob's old "Tin Goose" way back in the day, you can see the Fat Rap in Bob's hand. This was a year or three before Rapala, brought out their amazingly deadly Shad Rap. :-) We put a ton of nautical miles on that cool fishing platform of his. I loved that canoe! As a matter of fact, I ended up buying a Sportspal of my own, just after Bob headed out west to Courtenay B.C. to become the full time Outdoor Writer and retire there to boot.
A few decades ago, Robert H. Jones was as close to an older brother to me, as a man can get. He nick named me Larry Rideau-romper back then and we fished many places many times, for many fish. As I recall, we NEVER got skunked either. :-) Being a Master Jig Tier he got a kick out of caochin' me in the fur and feather dressin' biz and we tied many jigs together in his basement workshop and laughed over his wonderful home made wine and Sangria so many times. Even without the help of the the wine, this man was a great conversationalist. Just say anything to do with fishing and before you knew it a 60 or 80 mile drive would be done before the conversation had ended. ;-)
Bob was the kind of guy that never asked anything for what he gave out either. He wouldn't even let me chip in for gas after the first and only time I had offered. "I'm going out there anyway buddy, and yer not bad company either" he'd say. Then he'd just smile, and I knew that, that was that.
Thank You Bob Jones, for your kind generosity and for taking such good care of this young budding writer back then, so long ago now, it seems. :-)
Some sad news...
Our mutual friend, Grant Hopkins had fished with Big Bob Jones many times over the years too and he had kept up a communication line with him. It was through a chance meeting with Grant along the Rideau Canal the other day, that I learned of the passing of my good old fishing/writing friend. Grant filled me in on a few of the details of when and where and we both stood a moment in silence to remember our fine friend. Because my head was turned slightly towards the water, I don't think that Grant saw the tear roll down my cheek. But I felt it rolling. I hadn't felt that sad or lost or hurt or whatever it is called, for a long time. :-(
After we talked a little more about the lack of bites we were both getting, we parted and went our own ways again, left in our own thoughts. However, just after he left and while riding home on the bus, I was in a kind of fog. Flashes of pictures and mini movies skipped across my mind, of some of my times together with this scholarly man. Memories jarred awake by the reality of my close friend's passing.
There are just so many things I could tell you about how good a man Bob Jones was but his track record speaks for itself. So, to get you into a little bit of Robert H. Jones, one of Canada's finest Fishing Writers, here's a link to a post on my other blog, to do with this amazing and well respected Outdoorsman. There's some Bob related links there to explore for a few minutes too.
We will remember you...
My thoughts go out to Vera, Karen and Bobby Jr. Bob's immediate family. My heart is heavy for you my friends. I totally feel your loss and will miss your husband and dad, SO much. I thank God, that I was fortunate enough to have ever met Bob in the first place. I've been very enriched by his teachings while taking me under his wing, so many years ago now.
Thank You Robert H. Jones! Thank You! You have helped and encouraged an awful pile of people out there in your time my friend. Your wisdom still lives on through your many books and hundreds of magazine articles. You made it Mr. Jones! You did exactly what you wanted to do, and in fine style I might add. I'm so glad I shared even a little part of that amazing life with you...
Love Always,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Why do you Blog...
After being asked by more than a few folks, what in the heck is a blog, and why do you do it, I came up with this little blurb to keep it simple for starters. :-) Go see if you think the same way as I do about blogs and blogging or to encourage yourself to blog. ;-)
Why do you Blog?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
My Two Essentials...
Two cool tools...
There are many fine things to carry with you when you step into the woods these days, to be sure. I also have my share of pretty neat gadgets and some fairly cool gizmo's too but when it's all said and done, there are two things I am NEVER without. Doesn't matter if I'm hittin' the boonies or just fishin' Shirley's Bay or Dow's Lake for that matter, these two indispensable items are my constant companions...
In this case it's an old S.A.K. and a mini-Bic that I'm carryin' but I have used many other knives and tons of lighters over the decades. As a matter of fact, years ago, back in the day, I wouldn't be caught dead without my trusty Zippo! :-)
I'm not trying to sell you anything here, it's just that these two little things are pretty easy for anyone to get and they won't set you back too many bucks either. The Swiss Army Knife (S.A.K.) has come in so handy, so many times that it's paid for itself tenfold at least. I've used every single tool on there and more than once too. Cutting chores abound off the beaten path so any decent knife can make your visit there, better. Even if you only used it to cut and sharpen a few willow sticks for wieners or marsh-mellows with your children, over a little camp fire.
If perhaps you are not someone who has some kind of jack-knife or whatever in your pockets, you just might want to consider packin' both of these cool little tools around with you too. They take up no room and both could easily save your life or even someone else, depending on the circumstances you find yourself in, during the coming times. ;-)
Oh ya, and remember, even though they are all wonderful, you can't light a fire with a cell phone or an ipod or a GPS unit, for that matter. :-)
Monday, November 09, 2009
Rockin' with College Bassin'...
Here's a link to a Cool piece written By David Boraks, over on DavidsonNews dot net that gives the world a fine insight as to what's happening lately in many colleges across the land....
Virginia Tech leads Bass tourney | DavidsonNews.net
Man, I wish this kind of Super Sic Stuff was available back a few decades ago, when I was wanting to be a Bassin' Pro! How much does this Fishin' stuff Rock, I ask you? :-) Just shows us again, how good the young folks have it to-day, eh! :-)
If Your child Loves fishing, have you considered starting him or her on this particular course in life? With Universities jumpin' on the Bassin' band wagon lately, your kids could fit right in there. I'll tell ya, National fame and fortune can most certainly be had through Pro Bass Fishing these days, no doubt about it. Just ask Kevin Van Dam with his more than 3 Million smackers bankrolled from those cool Bassin' Tourneys. :-) So you see, the younger you start and encourage your offspring, the better chance they'll have at turning their Love for Fishing, into an actual, for real, career.
Remember also, that You are the absolute Best Promoter slash Coach slash Bud that they have, in whatever they do anyways. So, why not let yourself think then, that they could be rubbing shoulders one day perhaps, with the likes of G-Man, or Ike, KVD, Clunn, Jimmy Houston, Skeet Reece and all those other Awesome Bassin' hero's of ours, if they really wanted to? :-)
Go read up on some of these fine young American College boys who'd rather play with Bass, than foot balls, golf balls, basket balls etc etc. and be televised with their buds and Bass. :-) My hat is off to ALL of the participants in these excellent Bass Tournaments.
Go get 'em boys! :-)
Saturday, November 07, 2009
This card came in the mail the other day to celebrate my birthday and put a Very large smile on my face. I have to say it is the Coolest Birthday Card I've ever received. It's so nice when folks you know, think enough of you to send a lovely hand picked card to share Birth-Day wishes over the miles... Thank you Bruce & Elaine for keeping me in your thoughts and sharing your kindness with me, again.
The sunny weather this morning prompted me to get out for a little bike ride again. It's just amazing what a bit of touring around on a bicycle can do for you. It makes you more aware of how "healthy" you may or may not be and gets you better than you were before you started, always. :-)
I thought the sheer starkness of the empty and vacant canal with it's old, time worn gears, looked pretty cool beside my trusty two wheeled adventure machine... ;'}
Coasting down the hill at Hartwell's and along the canal, brought me to the very lowered shores of Dow's famous lake. This is a little of what this shallow, fragile lake, looks like with millions of gallons of water, pulled out of it in the fall. It sure exposes a lot of hidden hidey holes, that you don't see in the summer, eh?
Although I couldn't get anything to hit this tempting morsel to-day, I was indeed struck by it's beauty, just a settin' there, on my hand-grip, all comfy like, like that. :-)
Next time maybe...
Friday, November 06, 2009
Four Twittery things...
LarryB's Blog...: Four Twittery things...
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Fly Fishing Attire: By The Outdooress...
Looks like this is kind of a part of a series on Outdoor Ladies that I've been digging out of the web. All together on my four different blogs, a nice number of Outdoor gals have already graced my posts. You see, I've always had a very high regard for Women who really enjoy doing Outdoorsy things. This then, seems to be a good platform to extend that Respect for those girls out there who touch fish and smell campfire smoke and such.
Is it just me, or is there something Very attractive about a woman sportin' a fishin' rod and hangin' around in her Comfy's with a beautiful dog? :-)
I just recently discovered Rebecca or as shes known on Twitter as @Outdooress, by following a few of my friends on Twitter. I can't say enough about Twitter by the way, it's Awesome!
This lovely young woman loves to Fly Fish and is really no stranger to a gun either. OoooRa! Shoot 'em up! :-) This lady's skills on a key board or a notepad and pen I'm sure, are right up there as well, as you'll see for yourself. This girl knows how to get all of us Outdoorsy types, feeling just exactly what it is she's writing about, and liking it. :-)
Rebecca is also pretty good at tossin' some fine fishin' humor, in her posts to boot. :-) Just ask her about the treble hook in the baby's forehead story. LOL!
Anywho, go give her excellent outdoor page a look see. You'll love it, I'm sure.
Runways On The River By The Outdooress...
Oh ya, and don't forget to check her out on Twitter too!@Outdooress Which of course, she most certainly is... :-)
Tell her I sent ya and if you have a blog or website, You just may possibly earn a blurb in here too. ;-) After all, I have been known for wanting to spread the many facets of the Outdoor World to others, All of my life. ;-)
Sharing is good. This Internet thingy has suddenly, with all of it's marvelous apps, enabled all of us like-mined, true blooded folks who Dig the Woods & Waters, to Unite! Man, my dreams are all coming true... :-)
Pass it on.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Toronto singer Taylor Mitchell dies in Cape Breton...
Well folks, my day started off really sad this morning, after reading this story which I'd heard about on Tuesday after finally Google-ing it. I was so moved by all of this that I wrote about Taylor on my other blogs too, because I want more people to read about this amazing young woman who could have been anyone's daughter, sister, or friend. Then I sent a note to Twitter as well, for the same reasons.
If you get a chance, go and visit Taylor's Facebook page too. There's lots in there to show what a cool and talented girl she was. I'm man enough to say right here, that I cried for this young lady as I read some of her stuff and where she was going with her life. :-(
Destined to be a super role model, now only an aching memory for many of us. Thank God this sweet and gifted lady, left some of her great music for us all to enjoy...
This is a nice shot from her picture section on Facebook, taken by James Dean and borrowed here to share with you to-day.
Here's a link to the very sad story from Canada dot com...
Tragedy strikes Cape Breton...
Although you were taken from us far to early, God has you now Taylor. You are in real good hands...
R.I.P. Taylor Mitchell, we all miss you...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Another Biking tour...
Some fall biking...
To try and keep myself in at least some kind of shape, I took my old Adventure-Cycle slash Life extender unit, out for a spin the other day. It always takes me about five or six minutes with the wind in my face, and my bod leaned over in stroke mode, legs pumping, before my little brain says, like, Why aren't you biking every day, bonehead? :-) This just feels SO GOOD!
Anyway, first stop, leaf city...
Next up, a little wheelin' through a little rougher stretch of "deer trail" in here dodging Kama-kazi Squirrels and flocks of squawking Starlings to steer towards, finally, the river...
...where I spotted this little cutie pie. Got to work with him for a few moments too. :-)
... and then this neat little "Fall-Bloomer" type of cool, tall bush, which I have No clue as to what it may be, appeared right there too. It looked real Pretty though! :-)
And then, a quiet little semi-secluded, future fishin' spot, reveals itself to my wondering eyes. Hmmmm. Inflowing creek emptying in the Ottawa. Hmmmm.
...a little further on, and then, nothing... the end of the line.
I'll tell ya, it sure felt Super to get my little ol' self outside again crankin' those sprockets once more for a few healthy, and very fresh hours. Also it's great to see a few of the neat things that are always goin' on out here, all around us, too.
I hope most of You are doing Your part in keeping healthy in body and mind as well. It ain't easy all the time, but most certainly well worth it! Get Outdoors! :-)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Birthday Weekend fun...
As a kind of Birthday present for me this year, I was fortunate enough to spend some time on the Ottawa River this past week-end with my good friends Jack and Art. We caught quite a few fish and really had a great ol' time. :-)
Now, although I've been sworn to secrecy as to just where we were actually fishing, I Can say that we were a few miles downstream from the Petrie Island area. :-)
To start things off, my Trout fishing buddy Art, added to his species count with this decent sized wet kitty that fell all over his spinner rig.
Cool Kitty
This is the average size of most of the Walleyes we caught.
Got Walleye?
Of course, the Captain of this awesome Lund fishing boat, Walleye Jack, caught this sweet, fat hog, to show us all, just how it's done. :-) Congrats on such a fine Walleye there Jackman!
Jack's Walleye...
This big ol' river is really a great place for catching a variety of fish. Check out this big eyed boy that you don't see in too many places.
A Mooneye Cool or what, eh? :-) Here's a link to a neat website where Rolf, from Alberta, tells us all we need to know about this very neat, Trout-like fish.Rolf's Flies
We moved around some in the wind and the current and before we knew it, we had tapped into the Sauger population too. Once more, my man Jack shows us that he knows what he's doing out there, eh?
Sauger Boss...
Here's a shot of Jack's fishin' buddy Guy, with a nice catch that he and Joe put together on Sunday. Sweet!
All in all, the fishing was real good and spending time on the water with a few friends is pretty hard to beat as well. There's no life like it! :-)
Thanx again Walleye Jack, for making me part of your Outdoorsy adventures! :-)
The fillets I took home with me were some delicious and well appreciated my friends.
I truly did have a Happy Birthday! :-) LarryB
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Here's a link to my little Free Classified Ads page over at Adpost dot com. Go check it out and see if there is something there that You are interested in, you never know. :-)
Free Ads for you too... If you like the way this page is set-up, why not get going on your own Adpost adpage too. It's really, really easy to do and it's free too, don't forget. ;-)
Thanx for visiting to-day!
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Things to share...
Quiet mode again to-day...
Here's a neat little app that I just found the other day and I thought it would liven up this page a little. It's Fun, try it. :-)
Talk about a fisherman that believes in the old saying, "if there's a will, there's a way"! :-) I Love guys like this! Creative people do well in life, no matter what they do...
Inventive Fisherman or what?
And this my virtual friend, is a very powerful cleaning tool for your computer which I've been using for about three years now. It's an awesome piece of software that takes up nearly No room on your drive. :-) It's really safe and easy too. Go get it to-day...
Crap Cleaner...
Hope you enjoy these little things to-day. :-) lb
Friday, October 02, 2009
Peace Pilgrim...
Meet the Road to Freedom, Walker...
If by chance to-day You feel that You need a little inspiration in Your life, then don't wait a single moment longer my friend! Go and read about this most wonderful and awe inspiring woman, one could ever hope to meet on the road, right here to-day...
Reading this marvelous write-up, got me Googling all kinds of "living without money" websites and there's tons of 'em out there! Eureka! Is this something that has been right up my alley for years, or What? Living on the fringe. Our daily adventures. How to be free! Peace Rules! Truth prevails, etc. etc. etc.
Yup, go check out this real story of a real woman, who did such an amazing job of spreading the Truth, wherever she went. The Peace Pilgrim has most certainly left us all, Much to chew on...
Peace Pilgrim Biography by Marta Daniels
P.S. I just posted this blurb on my other blog too, over at About Peace Pilgrim... because this absolutely wonderful woman, is just SO worth reading about. :-)
Thanx go out to-day to all of You, for dropping into my little blog here on the web! I LOVE getting visitors! :-) lb
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
How To Remove A Fish Hook, Painlessly
I don't know if you've ever got a fish hook into yourself or a friend before, but it's no fun, I can tell you. However, instead of calling 911, check this out.
Just watched this little vid over at fellow Blogger Kenny's cool blog. Looks like a good way to get a hook out of your parts... :-) Check it out.
Kenny's Great Outdoors: How To Remove A Fish Hook, Painlessly
Tour around this man's blog if you like Outdoorsy stuff in general, you will be pleased with his work. lb
Does anyone else use MyBlogLog yet? I do and I like it! Check it out here if you've never heard of it. It's a pretty cool tool. :-)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
From the Front Deck to the Felt
Now that it's October, I wanna share this excellent piece by Matt Pangrac about a very well known Bass Fishing Legend and just how this amazing fisherman thinks. Rick Clunn has always been known as the thinking man's Basser! Mr. Consistancy, as many of his fans call him, has been at this Pro Bassin' game for a long time and has set a few records in his path. Rick has certainly earned his keep all the way up with a strong mind-set. What he says, you can bank on. :-)
Presented here for your pleasure to-day, in this fine article, from Basszone, Mr. October, reveals his mental similarity to one of my other Hero's, Bruce Lee, the world famous Jeet Kune Do founder. Read also, what Rick has to say about the upcoming, Fish & Chips event in Norman, Oklahoma this October. Woa! Gambling and Fishing in the same place! Awesome! Check it out...
From the Front Deck to the Felt...
Thanx 4 dropping by to-day! :-) lb
Friday, July 31, 2009
Rapala Rules!
Just saw this an hour ago and wanted to share it with y'all...
It's what I think is a pretty Cool commercial Vid of my all time Fishin' Hero Al Lindner and a few of his friends and family, using Rapala's new Minnow Rap! If You dig my man Al, or even if you just like fishing, You will love watching my guy's excitement over these new plugs. He's almost laughing at one point, he feels So Good! :-) Plus, the underwater footage of these new cranks is just Awesome too. :-)
Almost makes ya wanna grab a Minnow Rap or three, eh? ;-)
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Happy Basser Boy... :-)
Of course, I had to dig out my little Pentax and record that action so by the time I pulled it out of my handle-bar bag, they were just about ready to land this nice fish. All this time little buddy was holdin' onto that little pole like it was Gold, and he didn't panic and start turnin' the reel handle a million times, like a lot of newbies do. Pretty soon Dad reached down with his thumb extended, aiming for that big fat lower lip and without a hitch, hoisted this beauty up and out of the water, for his son to get photographed with...
Sean Gibb's Bass...
Nice First Bass or what?
So anyway, this proud little fishin' fella's name is Sean Gibb and this picture is a memory he won't soon forget, I'm sure. :-) I was glad that I was there to-day and to have a share in his first Bass, and a real nice keeper Bass at that. Which was released immediately after this shot was taken, by the way. :-)
I even think Sean's shy little sister and their cool dad, will remember how it all happened down @ the Secret little Lake in the middle of Ottawa to-day too. Fishing is a real memory maker... :-)
Get Fishin'
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Picasa Web Albums...
I've mentioned this before on the web but it's most certainly worth talkin' about again, in here. If you've got digital photo's on your hard drive and you have a blog on Blogger.com, Picasaweb will keep track of all the pics you put on your blog(s) from your hard drive or thumb-drive or whatever. Signing up is totally easy with Picasa. Downloading and uploading are also easy and fast too. Oh ya, Picasa is totally FREE to boot! :-)
There's an added bonus for hookin' up with Picasweb too. It seems that Google has NO trouble finding well tagged pictures from Picasa just after I get them on Picasa's servers! That's impressive in my books! :-)
Anyway, here's the link to slip over to my album section @ Picasaweb. If I can do it, You can do it too! :-)
Picasa Web Albums of LarryB
Hope you like the tour and get on there yourself...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Fishing with Tiki-Sticks...
Check out my Bass fishing friend Pete Larmand's excellent write-up, on how to catch fish on a Tiki-Stick...
Fishing with Tiki-Sticks
These lures catch fish, there ain't no doubt about it! :-)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Lipless Rattle-baits..
How to Rattle fish...
Although mostly used by the Bass fishin' crowd, lip-less crank-baits, like these bad boys, are killer on any game-fish that chases minnows. They can be fished effectively from the top of the water column, to the bottom of it. These rattle-baits, can also be fished very fast or very slow, or anywhere in between. Now to this ol' fishin' dude, that pretty well adds up to a versatile family of artificial fishing lures. ;-)
Face details or what?
Like, can you dig all the fine details on the face of this rattle-bait? Man, talk about lookin' life-like, eh?
Big-Eyed Rattler...
O.K. so like now, is That an eyeball or is That an eyeball? :-) Fish beat on these things, trust me. They used to say, the eyes have it, but in this case, this lure has A lot going for it, not just it's awesome eyes...
...and finally, the lure that started the whole rattling, lipless crank-bait craze. Presenting, the Bill Lewis, Rattle Trap, or just the "Trap", the name used by the Bass Tourney pros, seen here as a floater (top) and sinker model below. The Floater is Fantastic for real shallow water... :-)
Rattle Traps...
So there you have it! Get a few different sizes and colors of these lipless cranks and Rattle yourself up some fish this year too! :-)
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Yesterday's tour...
So here's a few pics I took yesterday while down along the shore of the Ottawa River. It was a little too breezy and cool, as you can see, to work on my tan at all and I had to cast side-arm even, just to get under the wind in order to get any distance at all.
Windy Water
Also the water was still quite high and cold too and, I only caught two small Northern Pike on the Beetle Spin, for all my efforts. :-) See second photo below.
My old SAK That's Swiss Army Knife, if you didn't already know. :-)
Standard Spinning Styff * Note the ever-deadly, Beetle Spin here...
Ottawa River shoreline...
Blue Eyed Grass
That's all for to-day folks,
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Marcia Rubin - Women's Bassmaster Tour Pro...
Rubin Rules...
They don't call her, the ReelLady fer nuthin'... :-)
This is like, one of my favorite types of blogs. Up-close and personal with someone who's making it out there and not afraid to share their lives with all who are interested in listening, watching and learning too...
Marcia is one of my Favorite Female Fishing Hero's. I'll bet after You checkout this hyper-link from a page on her blog, You will think she's pretty Awesome too! :-)
Marcia Rubin|Women Fishing|Womens Bassmaster Tour|bass fishing ohio
Here's a pic of this talented and lovely woman and her darling daughter Hanna, sharing some powerful bonding times...
My hat's off to You, Marcia! You ROCK! :-)
Friday, June 05, 2009
T by 4...
Fun Bass...
Do You, use these Four Super fine internet resources yet?
Well, I for one most certainly do and I just want to share that with y'all in this little blog too. Plenty, and I mean Plenty, of sweet opportunities await You out there these days on and off the net. If You are say, lookin' to power-up Your website, or blog, or Lens or Hub or storefront for that matter, get going on this stuff to-day. Oh ya, don't forget, that all this powerful, sweet stuff that I'm sharing with You in here to-day, is totally free of any cash requirements and they don't involve any big learnin' curve to boot. :-) If You know me at all, then You know that stuff like that, strikes a real cord with this ol' puppy. :-)
Here they are for ya then, all laid out and ready and awaiting Your command. Enjoy. Above all, use 'em! They work real well... :-)
Leadin' the Four T pack is none other that the world Famous Twitter the One that (who) actually Started the whole Twitty [(c) lb 2009 ] trend, in "T" stuff. Then there's the sweet Tweetree and then of course, buddy TwitGoo (the Goo) and finally, for good measure, don't forget the fourth T, Twitpic for those of You with even More photos, to have ALL Your bases, totally T covered on the triple W! I just LOVE them all to bits! :-)
So, that's about it for my little bloggy to-night. Twitter, Twitpic, Twitgoo and Tweetree are The Four T's that anyone and everyone should, could and would use, if given the chance, I'm sure. Especially if they (You) enjoy making and or taking pictures and like to show them off to others too. :-)
Chow for now,
Saturday, May 30, 2009
AYA - Angler Young Angler
Real Fishin' Kids...
Awesome stuff or what? Kids that are now into Pro Fishing! Who would have ever thought that this would be possible twenty years ago? Well AYA has been around now for over a decade and it's high time for YOU to get YOUR wonderful Children into Fishing once and for all.
If Your children are fortunate enough to be Fishin' Kids already, then get them hooked up with Anglers Young Anglers to-day and don't delay, any longer. :-) You will see some of the Happiest kids You've ever seen, fishin' at these awesome tourneys, that were designed just for them. The bonding that goes on between children and parents and guardians even, is worth the trip alone!
If this kind of wonderful stuff keeps up, who knows, perhaps in another ten years, Fishing will be one of the subjects taught in elementary schools? :-)
Get over there right now and sign Your kids up for this season. The one up in Timmins, Ontario in July promises to be a far North experience filled with fish and Happy Kids. Don't miss it now... ;-)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Fishermen Everywhere Prefer Rapala Lures...
Yes Sir, after all these years (40 plus) I'm still a Big Rapala fan and user. Things have changed a lot since I bought the original F7 silver and had to wait a month before I could buy a gold one, in the F9 flavor. That was it back then, if You can imagine, for color choices, although it came in a real nice range of sizes, from ultra-lite to a 18cm model like this bad boy here, which I've doctored a little. :-)
Custom Rapped!
So if You are one of the very few people on the planet that isn't using these killer lures in Your Fishing yet, get at it. :-) Here's the link to their beautiful website, RaPaLa Rules! which I also have linked up on my little Fishing page over at Let's Fish...
This is a link to a Great Squidoo lens, worth Any Rapala Lovers time to visit! Enjoy!
Fishermen Everywhere Prefer Rapala Lures...
P.S. I'm gettin' a little behind in my lure buying but I'm lookin' forward to testin' out one of Rapala's newish/oldish, Skitter-Pops real soon! :-)
Get Rapped!